Centre de service et d'entretien

At XYZ Cultural Technology, we are committed to ensuring our clients are satisfied with the solutions we provide. Our after-sales service team is here to help you manage your equipment so you can focus on your core business and deliver a continuously improved user experience.

We offer our services to more than 1,000 partners, many of whom opt for a service contract with us. We understand that each of clients has unique needs and operational realities. Accordingly, the wide range of solutions we offer makes it possible to personalize our approach to suit individual specifications.

Our team of 18 certified technicians boast a diverse, multidisciplinary expertise and are dedicated to staying up on the latest technological advances. We have developed a series of training programs with our manufacturing partners to ensure our team members have access to the latest updates, so that we can pass along the benefits to our clients.

To support our after-sales service, we use a state-of-the-art software solution to manage inventories, warranties, service calls and more.

Our call centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer your enquiries any time of the day or night.

Services offerts

Assistance téléphonique​
Appel de service​
Contrat de service
Vente de pièces​
Service-conseil et évaluation​
Gestion garantie intégration​
Gestion garantie manufacturière​
Télésurveillance des équipements
Affectation de technicien
Accompagnement client​
Service d’inventaire​
Service de suivi des garanties client​
Production de plan quinquennal
Gestion de parc d‘équipement
Implantation de plan d’entretien​
Services sur mesure

Informations de contact


Montréal : T. +1 514 340-7717  #109
Québec : T. +1 418 527-9007
Dubaï : T. +971 4 392 8629
Mérida : T. +52 999 469 68 27

Assistance technique - Montréal

Par téléphone :
+1 514 340-7717 poste 109

Par courriel :

Assistance technique - Dubaï

Par téléphone :
T.+971 4 392 8629

Par courriel :

Assistance technique - Mexique

Par téléphone :
T.+52 999 469 68 27

Par courriel :